If you want to play with your friends, you'll need to be on the same platform together.
Xbox One players, meanwhile, will only be able to play with those on Xbox Series X or S and the reverse. Does Elden Ring have crossplay Best answer: No, unfortunately, Elden Ring does not support crossplay. This means that players on Playstation 4 will be able to engage in online co-op with users on Playstation 5 and vice-versa.
If you play Elden Ring on the PC, you can only play with PC gamers. Elden Ring supports cross-play for platforms under the same manufacturer. No, Elden Ring isn’t cross-platform on PC and Xbox. Is Dying Light 2 Cross Platform? Is Elden Ring Cross Platform on PC and Xbox
You can look forward to the news of Elden Ring crossplay. Elden Ring doesn’t support full cross-play, which means if you’re playing on PC, you won’t be able to play with friends that play it on Xbox or PlayStation consoles.

Gamers want to make sure the game supports cross-platform and crossplay to play with their friends. Will Elden Ring be cross-platform in the future? Though FromSoftware hasn’t said anything about it all, anything is possible. Updated: 11 months ago A big question for Elden Ring has always been whether it supports crossplay. However, we are not sure if this means full crossplay support or just between specific platforms. The good news is that Elden Ring has cross-generation support on the same family of consoles. The game is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC. For instance, if you play on PS5, you can’t play with gamers on Xbox and PC. Though you can enjoy the game with gamers on another system, you won’t get full support of Elden Ring crossplay between different consoles and PCs. Like many other gamers, you may wonder “is Elden Ring cross platform”. It could be hard to get all these consoles or devices. However, despite high demand from fans for crossplay capabilities, this feature currently doesnt exist within Elden Rings multiplayer mode.
Also, all previous-gen versions of Elden Ring come with free upgrades, so if you get the PS4 or Xbox One versions, then get a PS5 or Xbox Series X/S later, you can carry your game over at no additional charge.Elden Ring is available for platforms including PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5. So if you’ve got a friend who hasn’t managed to snag the current generation of your mutual favorite console yet, you can still play the game together, provided of course you’re playing in the same hardware family.

That means that PlayStation 4 players can play with PlayStation 5 players, and Xbox One players can play with Xbox Series X/S players. Best answer: No, unfortunately, Elden Ring does not support crossplay. Generally, crossplay support allows players to play with each other, irrespective of the platform or console generation. One little bright side to this is that, while Elden Ring doesn’t have crossplay functionality, it does have cross-gen functionality. If you want to summon a friend to your session, they need to be playing the same version of the game that you are, or else the game won’t be able to find them. That basically means players can play across the manufacturer’s systems. Elden Ring is divided into three separate systems for PC players, PlayStation players, and Xbox players, and there is no cross-play functionality between the three. Short answer: Only between consoles in the same family Elden Ring has what FromSoftware calls cross-gen play. In a time where many games support crossplay, it seems like a missed opportunity here. PlayStation will only matchmake with PlayStation and so forth. You will only be able to play with people on the same console brand as you. However, it’s a bit limited in who it will allow you to play with. The game’s multiplayer is comprehensive, featuring both co-op and PvP.

Elden Ring crossplay is something of a hard subject. Unfortunately, Elden Ring does not have crossplay. Unfortunately, Elden Ring does not feature cross-platform multiplayer. Elden Ring Crossplay: Complete Guide of Crossplay.